This pair of one-day workshops will give parents, caregivers and professionals working and/or living with people who have complex communication and behaviour needs practical strategies they can begin applying right away. * To register for ONLY one day, see links in training description below.

  • 20 April
    2 x 1 Day Training - ADELAIDE
    Session information
    Teaching Critical Communication Skills - ADELAIDE
    Sun 20 Apr 09:00 - Sun 20 Apr 16:30
    Challenging Behaviours: How to Prevent, Reduce, & Replace - ADELAIDE
    Wed 06 Aug 09:00 - Wed 06 Aug 16:30
    • UNDERGRAD Student $270.00 incl. GST
    • Parent/Carer $361.64 incl. GST
    • Early Bird $540.00 incl. GST
    • $600.00 incl. GST
  • 28 May
    2 x 1 Day Training - CAIRNS
    Session information
    Teaching Critical Communication Skills - CAIRNS
    Wed 28 May 09:00 - Wed 28 May 16:30
    Challenging Behaviours: How to Prevent, Reduce, & Replace - CAIRNS
    Thu 29 May 09:00 - Thu 29 May 16:30
    • UNDERGRAD Student $270.00 incl. GST
    • Parent/Carer $361.64 incl. GST
    • Early Bird $540.00 incl. GST
    • $600.00 incl. GST
None of these dates work for you? Suggest another date & time


Register for this training package for only $600 (Special Introductory Offer). In sessions select both a Teaching Critical Communication Skills Training Session and a Challenging Behaviour: How to Prevent, Reduce, & Replace Training Session. 

OR attend your choice of single day training for $350. 

Book for single day via Teaching Critical Communication Skills

Book for single day via Challenging Behaviour: How to Prevent, Reduce, & Replace

Teaching Critical Communication Skills Training Description: 

Help! I can't Wait to ask for a Break...and more!

This workshop is a must for parents, caregivers and professionals working and/or living with people who have complex communication needs. You will learn how to teach critical communication skills that lead to greater independence in the home, work, school and community settings. We review nine specific skills: requesting reinforcers, requesting help, requesting a break, indicating yes and no, waiting, following directions, schedule-following and transitioning. Through lecture, demonstrations, video and participatory activities, you will acquire specific teaching strategies that are relevant for anyone who has limited communication skills, regardless of their communicative modality (e.g., Picture Exchange Communication System [PECS], signing, device use, speech).


  • Define functional communication
  • Identify and evaluate nine critical communication skills
  • Design effective teaching strategies to promote these skills independent of modality
  • Incorporate effective visual strategies for all communicators
  • Incorporate critical communication skills into functional activities and routines

Challenging Behaviours: How to Prevent, Reduce, & Replace Training Description:

This unique training offers strategies for navigating behaviour challenges with learners of all ages, in any environment. Beginning with key concepts of applied behaviour analysis, we focus on the conditions under which behaviour occurs. We discuss the importance of designing supportive learning environments that address skill deficits prior to or while simultaneously addressing unwanted contextually inappropriate behaviours. Through discussions, video examples and hands-on activities you will identify and define unwanted behaviours, analyse why the behaviour is occurring, determine alternative skills to replace unwanted behaviours, review differential reinforcement procedures, and discuss proactive strategies and reactive strategies. The workshop concludes by showing how you and your team can evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of your behaviour plans as you put your new strategies into practise.


  • Identify and operationally define behaviours requiring intervention
  • Develop behaviour plans
  • Conduct a functional assessment
  • Select and teach functionally equivalent alternative behaviours and skills to replace unwanted behaviours
  • Identify antecedent and consequence-based strategies for reducing unwanted behaviour
  • Assess and maintain the efficacy of behaviour intervention plans