What is National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?

If you are a person with a disability and you meet the access requirements, you can become a participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) scheme.

As a participant, you will be able to access the NDIS community linkages and individualised planning processes to identify the reasonable and necessary supports you need to enable you to achieve your goals.

Pyramid Educational Consultants of Australia Pty Ltd (PECS Australia) is an approved NDIS registered Provider for the NDIS / NDIA.

PECS Australia is a supplier of educational and communication products to assist people with developmental disabilities.

Our team can help you to find the best product, we can help to inform you about the types of supports available, identify, and supply the most suitable PECS products that meet your requirements, and explain how you can access them using the funding in your plan.

There are three options to manage your funding – self-managed, plan-managed and NDIA managed.

You can claim PECS products by using any of the following options:


If you are self-managed NDIS budget(s), you will need to purchase the products(s) and fully pay PECS Australia, then claim the funds back from the NDIS through the MyPlace Portal.

PECS Australia will provide an invoice to enable you to make the claim. You can pay via Bank transfer, PayPal, or credit card payment from your invoice link. We will dispatch your products once payment has been processed.

Plan Managed

If the client is managed by a third-party, Plan Manager then we can invoice the Plan Manager and then they claim from NDIS.

We will dispatch products once payment has been processed. Plan Manager’s usually send remittance advices to assist with the matching of payments.

NDIS Agency Managed

If you are using NDIS managed budget(s), you will need to ensure that the participant has enough funds available in their plan. If you don’t know or are unsure, you can check with their Support Coordinator, Planner, or Local Area Coordinator, to ensure the purchase amount is available in the participants plan.

We will need to know the ‘support budget or budget category’ the funds are in, and the ‘budget line-item number’ the funds have been allocated to.

Sometimes there is a $1,500 Assistive Technology budget, or we can claim from Consumables for low-risk low-cost AT. If the participant has this, we can generally claim directly from that funding pool.


When placing orders with PECS Australia, we will need the following information:

  • Participants Full Name
  • NDIS Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Delivery Name & Address (if different)
  • Whether you are using Self-Managed NDIS funds, Plan Managed, or NDIA Managed Funds
  • The Support Budget or Budget Category to use (i.e. Low-cost low-risk AT budget, Assistive Technology, Consumables)
  • Product and quantity you are ordering
  • Has the order been discussed with and agreed by the participant?
  • The participants contact number (or nominees name & contact details) to verify that we can place the order on their NDIS account
  • The participants (or nominees) email for dispatch notifications, tracking emails and updates
  • The participants (or nominees) phone number for dispatch notifications
  • How did you find out about PECS products?
For Plan Manager orders we will need the addition information please:
  • Plan Manager company name
  • Plan Manager Address
  • Plan Manager phone number
  • Plan Manager accounts email (where invoices are to be emailed)

We usually lodge the application within 7 days. If the plan is NDIA Managed, we should know if it is approved immediately. We will advise you, and copy you and any relevant people, on any correspondence.

NDIS payments are usually received in another 24-48 hours. We then dispatch the product(s) after payment from the NDIS has been processed.

Please feel free to email admin@pecsaustralia.com if you have any further questions or alternatively you can contact PECS Australia on +61 3 9362 0621 if you need any further assistance.