• In 2008, The National Professional Development Center (NPDC) on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) adopted the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) as one of 27 evidence-based practices. These practices are selected based on their efficacy proven through peer-reviewed research. NPDC is comprised of multiple universities that research and promote the use of evidence-based practices on ASD. Read more information >
  • Research Autism is a charity dedicated to researching interventions in autism. Their website has a series of common interventions that are ranked based on “what scientific evidence has been published in peer-reviewed journals.” PECS has been given two ticks on their rating scale indicating “strong positive evidence” for the quality of evidence supporting PECS as an intervention.  Their opinion of PECS: “Very strong positive evidence.” Read more information >
  • Peer-Reviewed Research Review Articles have determined that PECS is evidence-based practice. One review published in the journal Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth concluded that PECS is evidence-based practice for Communication, Socialization, and Behavior. Read more information >
  • Another review published in the journal Pediatrics concluded that PECS is evidence-based practice, as well as the only evidence-based Augmentative/Alternative Communication System, for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Read more information >
  • Well-Controlled Research Reported in Peer-Reviewed Journals has shown that PECS is more effective than “education as usual” for improving communication and other skills in school settings. Read more information >