All teachers, no matter what setting they are in, will almost certainly encounter children with special needs. If a student has an Individualised Education Plan (IEP) you may know what you plan to work on but how are you going to do that most effectively? The Pyramid Approach to Education, created by Andy Bondy, PhD, is a blueprint to help teachers and parents create the most successful learning environment possible. The Pyramid Approach is entwined in every aspect of what we do and has helped improve outcomes for people with special needs of all ages for over thirty years. Implementing the Pyramid Approach as part of your curriculum will help you build a solid, effective education environment.
Our view would be that any type of consultancy is always about the individuals that deliver the support. We have always found Pyramid Consultants to be flexible and positive in their approach. They have worked extremely hard when they are onsite and any promise of follow up reports and work has always been promptly completed. By having ongoing flexible support it means that we are able to monitor our practice, support less experienced staff and monitor pupil progress.
– Sue Blows, Headteacher at Hatton School, Essex.